Monday, April 2, 2007

A First

I'm dipping my toes in the blogging pool!!

I want to share my journey so that I might be motivation to anyone out there who has ever struggled with being overweight, obese, fluffy, extra fluffy, chunky, fat or whatever it is called that day.

I have discovered that I don't always have to wear my happy mask to cover up the fact that I was hurting being obese. I really hate hearing that word but it was reality and I could no longer keep fooling people that I was happy.

So, I decided that I needed to make a change in my lifestyle so that my legacy wouldn't be the cheerful obese lady. Since only 2 out of 3 were right.

1 comment:

the quilter said...

I know what your talking about . I put on a happy face all the time. I hate being fat. I hate how people say your face is so pretty. I hate my life right now . But I will change it. I have to believe that I can do this. I would like to thank you for telling your story. It's helping me to know it can be done.