Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I'm still in awe of myself even after a few days after my Sunday weigh-in!! My weight now begins with a 1!!! I have reached "Onderland" as it is affectionately called by Weight Watcher members.

Let me tell you!! I can't even remember the last time my weight was under 200 pounds not even in Michigan with LA Weight Loss. I'm totally awestruck and going into uncharted territory for me!! BUT IT FEELS FRICKN' FABULOUS!!

I'm getting so close to that half of me goal!! I'm starting to taste it!! As I have been thinking about my goal weight, I'm not to sure if I want to stop at 170 or go for 150, my goal according to WW (Weight Watchers). When I first started WW and I saw that number, I said righto!! NOT!! But now that I'm 49 pounds away from 150 instead of 190 pounds away, I now starting to say bring it on!! I'll be seeing my family doc in a few weeks and that will be at the top of the list of questions to get his thoughts on the subject.

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