Monday, March 17, 2008

A day that will be in my history book forever

March 16, 2008 now has a big star on it!! And will hold a special milestone in the history of me and marks a first for me!!

It is the day that I reached my goal and am no longer obese or overweight. I'm just normal!! I can't remember there ever being a time in my life that I was at a normal healthy weight. Or EVER being able to feel my rib bones. Or EVER being a size 8. Or EVER having this much energy to enjoy what life has to throw at me!!

All I can say right now!! It feels AWESOME but I do know that the hard work for me has just begun!! But with the new found faith in me and my support system, I WILL BE AN OBESITY SURVIVOR!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Climb the Wall

BC Lung Association
Stair Climb for Clean Air
February 17, 2008
739 steps (48 stories)
Finished in 9 mins 9 secs

Friday, February 15, 2008

Bernie's Surprise 50th Whistler Getaway

Ready For The Day At The Spa
Febuary 4, 2008

1st Time Cross Country Skiing
February 5, 2008
I won the Gold!!!
February 5, 2008